Saturday, October 16, 2010

blog 15

In the reading "About Men" Elirich uses formal, reverent, and tones of admiration to convey her attitude towards the Wyoming Cowboys. She formally addresses them as men of solitude that have yet to find the words to describe their character of compassion and selflessness. Tender hearted towards the animals, quirky and quiet around the women, they have the ability to fend for themselves in the rolling hills, and let themselves be care for by their wives. They witness and appreciate every rising and setting sun across the Wyoming plains, but has not found the words to fit the such sight. In all, she shatteres the stereotype of the macho, trigger happy, lone ranger, to reveal the calloused hands of a softhearted shepherd.

blog 14

the internet....
the nemisis? or the enlightenment?

The internet has both benefited and distraught our society. We have developed a system that can stream live video teaching sessions to impovershed children in tiny towns, and have open a door to creeps ands Craigslist. We are able to advance and store infinite amounts of knowledge, as well as discredit it with rube videos that created the YouTube. We can connect with loved ones far away, or isolate ourselves from human contact. Like anything we possess, if we use it wisely we can benfit from the internet, if not we are sure to create a monster that can consume us with one click.

blog 13

 Do you think public schools should teach students ethics and personal values? Which values should schools teach in order to produce “good citizens”? What kinds of values (or even subjects) should not be taught in schools? Classify these values using some guiding principle or standard, and explain the characteristics of each category

I Believe public school should teach students about ethics and give lessons on personal values. to create good citizens, we should teach the importance of respect, not only for other but yourself. The ablitiy to distinguish what is good uses logic, and logical decision create logical actions that will in turn have a society that makes logical decisions based on good ethics.If we have respect for ourselves, we will conduct ourselves in a manner that respects others. If we respect others than we can respect a community, a community turns into a state, and a state to a nation. If public school just began to teach respect and manners, and they can be capitalized in homes, we could have the ideal nation.

blog 12

Inspiring Movies:
The Blind Side
Saving Private Ryan
I Am Sam

Though these movies differ incredibly, I believe they all fall under the title, Inspiring movies. These movies send a message of overcoming adversity, the compassion to change a life, and the ultimate sacrafice of laying it down for another. The Blind Side is a true demonstration of how someone can reach out and change the life of another who would have never gotten the chance to make something of themselves. I Am Sam also shows how we can change a life without giving anything. The cold hearted, cut- throught lawyer, as well has the  sam's daughter's guardian, finally stopped seeing Sam as an ex-institutional man, an as a loving father who did everything to provide a good life for his daughter, in which he was denied as a child. Sam himself also faced the ignorance of those around him who saw him as a mentally challanged nobody and proved that he was just as loving and caring as any great dad in this world. Finally, Saving Private  Ryan demonstrated the ultimate sacrafice to save one life by losing your own. Though the small band of men knew they were going to die, they pressed on in the chance of finding Private Ryan and giving back a peace of the mother's heart, that had be as in war torn as the jungle itself.

Blog 11

Culminating Writers Profile
  1. Discuss how your expectations about your writing style and needs have both changed and remained the same since this class has started.
I believe that I need to work on my ability to gathering information from the text more accururately and be able to transfer those idea into an essay that can convey my ideas effectively.
  1. What do you see as your strengths as a writer and how have you reinforced them?
As A writer I can utilize my accumulated vocabulary, but I have yet to find a way to implement that strategy into my writings.
  1. What do you still see as your writing weaknesses and what have you done to strengthen those areas?
I have yet to conquer my unorganization and find that as my weakness. So far i have began to take time and write notes in the margin and begin to organize my thoughts instead of trying to grad the bull by the horns and trying to write an essay without critical thinking before hand.
Evaluating your writing process
  1. If you had the time to write one more draft of this essay, how would you improve it?
I would definetely input more quotes, ideas and analyzation into me my essay, in order to somewhat convey my ideas that I found so hard to do.
  1. As you received peer feedback and revised your essay, what did you find the easiest element to improve in your essay?
I found that just using better vocabulary and really just collecting my thoughts before i scribble them across my paper. I can give my opinion and sound educated.
  1. Discuss the biggest problem you had in writing and revising this essay.
The biggest problem I found was not being able to collect my thoughts and trasfer them on to the paper.
  1. What most intimidated you about this writing process and how did you combat this intimidation?
Time became my biggest intimidation, but I tried to combat it by , writing what i knew and believed as soon as it popped into my head.
As a writer I believe I have the potential to pass the AP exam.

Blog 10: Nobodiness

Each pereson on the face of the Earth is a unique individual, and In a world full of different people, it is sometimes the case where one can feel in significant. At times we one may feel like " a nobody," because they might feel like they have yet to accomplish anything significant or has left an impression on the world around them, both in positive, and negative actions,(usually based on maturity.)One might fe ll like a nobody if they failed to get the 4.0, the ideal job,or the ultimate prank.

One can also exhit nobodiness in a social may feel since they are not the popular jock, the party animal, or the class clown, they are less significant than those around them. But in truth, we all have something to offer the world, no matter if we feel like no one, we have left an impression on the lives of others, but now the goal is for us to realize we have, to make an impression on ourselves.

Blog 9: tuesdays with morrie:conclusion

From reading Tuesdays with Morrie, I began to realize that the superficial aspects of life don't mean much in the long run. Like high school, we only have them for a short period of time, and seeming within no time at all, our time is up, a new trend has ended, and we are left with and object that claims to fill the empty place that we hope can complete us. However, the superficial things cannot be our loved ones that comfort and love us, nor be the one to sit at your bed side, and bring you chicken noodle soup.Before I read the book, I also believed that regret was a regular thing that everyone lives with. Not overwhelming, but just a desire to fix a small action here or there. Morrie taught me that In order to live a full life you have to forgive yourself, stop regretting to finally live in traquility. Though some may see a small book, I have come to conclude that within the small pages lies the large message we should all follow.